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Jakarta Modest fashion week opened Russian brand ARAIDA

akarta, July 31st 2018 – Asia’s had its moment. Jakarta Modest Fashion Week event (JMFW) at July 26th – July 29th 2018 was a huge success.

Think Fashion as the owner of Brand Modest Fashion Week and the organizer in cooperation with #Markamarie as the local partner, succeed in filling up Gandaria City with local and international fashionistas. There are guests from 21 countries and its included 18 international designers and 33 local designers participating in runway, booths and talkshows.

This global modest fashion event was opened by press conference in Piazza, Gandaria, City Mall. Franka Soeria, Co-Founder of Modest Fashion Week Events and Think Fashion said her mission during her speech.


«Indonesia is very advance in modest fashion industry; in terms of designs, innovations, style options and the market size itself. However, its location is pretty far from many countries so the potential is not really recognized well in the global communities. We believe that Indonesia-Jakarta is one of important cities of Modest Fashion and we revealed all these golden facts through #JMFW so the world could see. This will be a start of global collaborations as well to connect Indonesia and other countries. #JMFW has officially made Jakarta as one of important Modest Fashion city in the world»

Franka said optimistically, Thursday (26/7).


«Jakarta Modest Fashion Week have alots of “first” inside. This is the biggest international modest fashion in Asia, the most international fashion event in Indonesia. Jakarta Modest Fashion Week becomes the host of 40 fashion shows, 50 brand booths, and opening the unique platform for international designers presence in Southeast Asia»

Ozlem Sahin, Co-Founder Modest Fashion Week Events and Think Fashion also add.


«We also have #JMFWPoints in 8 locations of Metro Department Store across Indonesia to host #JMFW designers and brands products. It is the first of its kind where events think about the designers selling activity- before and after the event»

said Ismail Semin, Founder #Markamarie and also the local partner of #JMFW.


There were 12 international and local designers’s collections for the first opening day of JMFW. The international designers that got the opportunity to exhibit their collection for the first day- July 26th 2018 were Araida from Russia, Modanisa from Turkey, Dilbar from Kyrgistan, Adrianna Yariqa and Women of Haya from Singapore, Zeina Ali from Jordan and exclusive collection of Zuhre from Turkey. Meanwhile, the local designer that participated were Anggia Handmade, Sofie, feat Hannie Hananto, Up2date Plus by Irna Mutiara and Resti by Rizka Haristi.



The first day of #JMFW also exhibited an exclusive fashion show by Zuhre, the famous brand modest fashion from Turkey that presented 25 exclusive collections for the main runway of Jakarta Modest Fashion Week. The theme of the show was Sparkle, that projected various materials such as diamond and the sparkling materials used by the Zuhre for its collections. It was succeeded in impressing the audience. Merve Altuny Arslan, Brand Manager of Zuhre said, “Special for Jakarta Modest Fashion Week 2018, Zuhre astonished the audiences by presenting the blings detail. The material used is adjusted to Indonesia’s climate, Zuhre even put the latest technology that let the clothes’s materials dry faster and cannot be easily wrinkled.“


The second day, July 27th 2018, there were four international designers that presented their designs; S by Samar from Dubai, Divinity Collection from Australia, Yours Truly from Canada and Sayee the South Korean designer in collaboration with Indonesia. In the meantime, the local designers were L.Tru x Fenita Arie and an exclusive show by Maggie Hutauruk Eddy with its 2Madison Avenue label.

On the exclusive show, 2Madison Avenue presents bold and unique designs.

«Through our collections, we would like to tell that women have a secret power to be a leader. Franka is one of great example, we believe this thing should be appreciated. Some designs used the Badui and Makassar’s traditional wood fibers, also the Sumatera’s fabric because it is easier to use. We are so excited because this collection becomes our first modest wear themed collections, and we are very proud to have the exclusive show in this event.»

Maggie H. Eddy – The Creative director of 2 Madison Avenue said.

2Madison Avenue


Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games X JMFW presents Dream & Design for Disabilities held a special show became the main highlight of JMFW in the third day, July 28th 2018. Think Fashion together with Markamarie initiated the idea to involve disabled communities in 3 countries (Indonesia-Germany and Turkey) to present their creations for the JMFW’s runway.
In Turkey, designer Zumrut Kaya and Kafi Design worked together with mentally disabled community, In Germany- designer Meriem Lebdiri (Mizaan) collaborate together with Physically Disabled community. Indonesia as the host country present the collaboration between 8 women gathered by famous charity organization- ACT (they made the designs), #Markamarie was producing all the pieces while The Able Art made all the hijabs/scarves.
ASIAN Para Games’s athletes, the 100 meters free style swimming ASIAN PARA Games 2017 gold medal winner, Laura Aurelia Dinda and Nor Aimah, the ASIAN PARA Games 2017 winner along with 5 disables from Thisable Enterprise- appeared as the models for the show.


“Fashion is for everyone, as well as for our disable colleagues, they have the right to celebrate the beauty and fashion creativity in life. We are proud with Dream and Design for Disabilities project” explained Ozlem Sahin, The Co-Founder of Brand Modest Fashion Week Events and Think Fashion.

“After the event is over, #Markamarie will help to make the brand for this Dream and Design project. We will produce, market and promote the brand- so it will eventually be a famous brand. The profit will go mostly to the disabled community,” said Ismail Semin, Founder #Markamarie and also the local partner of #JMFW


As in the third day, the special designs of three foreign designers were presented; Elda from Singapore, Desert Cove form UEA – Australia and Three Little Ahmad from Malaysia, our homeland designers also presented their collection in the same day, Gee Batik by Sugeng Waskito and the unique collection of Dhienda Nasrul.

Entering the last day of JMFW event in July 29th 2018, the foreign designers Imen Bousnina from The Austria and Fllumae from USA exhibited their amazing collection. The row of wonderful collection were displayed by local designers such as #Markamarie X Metro Dept, Lina Sukijo, Hijab Sabine and Uma Privee.
In this opportunity, Wardah as Official Make-Up introducing beautiful collections from Indonesia’s best modest designers; Kami, ETU, Khanaan, also Dian Pelangi with 44 collections in total. Famous faces appeared on the runway as muse; Dewi Sandra, Ryana Dea, Yassmin Jay dan Leena Asad. Then as the closing, Rendy Pandugo performed his hits singles for JMFW 2018.

Various interesting topics about modest fashion, entrepreneurships and women empowerment was presented in Piazza area. From Modest Fashion Innovations, Do's and Dont's Celebrity and Brands, Stories of Fashion Productions, Grow Your Business with Community to Top Tips from the Experts, that involved the famous local and international influencers; Leena Asad, Medina Zein, Anis Al Idrus, Hanan Challouki, Fenita Arie, Arie Untung, Shums, Dilyara Sadrieva, Yassmin Jay, Isra Chaker,Hazra Ngah, Atiyah Saadon, Muna Jama, Diana Damrawi, Hasna B, Irfan Hakim, Anissa Hapsari, Aufa Tokyo, Sisi Bolatini, Hamimi Daulay, Khanaan Shamlan, Ali Charisma, Kat Aziz, Syakir Daulay dan Bridget Dean.


After Jakarta, The brand Modest Fashion Week will continue its journey to other countries around the globe. To celebrate talents, inclusivity and the idea of “Fashion is for Everyone”.

«As a travelling fashion event, Modest Fashion Week will continously expose the talents of Modest Fashion. Of course Indonesia will always get the special place in the heart of Modest Fashion Week. We will always introduce the Indonesian designers and their collections that we believe is on the same level with other international designers. We hope to see you in the next Modest Fashion Week»

said Franka Soeria.


Jakarta Modest Fashion Week is organized:

  • - Think Fashion & Markamarie, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republik Indonesia, Ministry of Economy Turkey and Enjoy Jakarta. Also supported by our valuable sponsors and partners;
  • - Gandaria City - Official Venue Partner, In Partnership with Wirausaha Muda Mandiri supported by Bank Mandiri,
  • - Wardah Beauty - Official Make Up,
  • - Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games- Exclusive Partner, Metro Dept. Store- Official Department Store, Council of Modest Fashion- Strategic Partner, J.Corp – Official Cake, ZUHRE - Platinum Partners, 2Madison Avenue - Platinum Partners,
  • - Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) - Fashion Show Partner,
  • - Ikatan Perancang Mode Indonesia (IPMI)- Exhibition Partner,
  • - Salam - Official Registration, Cocowork - Official Coworking Space, dan Blue Bird - Official Transportation, Veranda- Official Hotel, Hotel Sofyan- Official Halal Hotel dan Chickko- Official Catering.
  • - Event partners - Galena Event Management, InFive Projects, Menara Digital, Mulia PR and BM Center. Not to forget the valuable local and international Community Partners and Media Partners.
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